WarBot Marketplace

The WarBot Marketplace will allow users to sell their trading pool on our very own P2P platform. This platform will ensure that users are protected from scam NFTs and also incentivize buyers to want to purchase through the marketplace.

Buying from the maketplace has 2 main advantages: 1 - Discounted deposit fee. (8.5% vs. 10%) 2 - Funds are added immediately into your Actvie Pool and you will receive the benefits of that pool withint the same trading month, vs. waiting for those funds to start trading in the following month.

Users will be able to sell all or portions of their pool in any amount.

Note: - Only one listing per wallet can be listed on the marketplace at one time. You will not be able to create multiple listings at the same time so as to not flood the marketplace and allow a fair chance for everyone to list their pool and have someone purchase it from them. - Once the pool is listed on the marketplace by the seller, it will be removed from their trading pool. If you list and then unlist the pool, it will be moved to your Pending Pool balance and commence trading in the next month. - Once a pool is purchased by a buyer, the buyer's active trading pool will immediately be augmented and will receive the profits for the month. - If your pool is not purchased by a community member by the end of the monthly transition, the protocol will pick those up off the marketplace. This is our WarFi BUYBACK GUARANTEE.

Marketplace Fees


  • Sell fees = 5%

  • Discounted sell fees = 0%. To qualify for the discounted sell fee, user must have at 5 months of full compounds.

  • Buy fees = 8.5%

Please see example below for a Marketplace Buy and Sell as compared to a Fresh Deposit into the dApp. Marketplace Buy - User lists a $1,000 Pool for Sale on the Marketplace - $950 goes to the seller unless the seller qualifies for the discounted sell fee. In which case, the seller would receive the full sell amount of $1,000. - Buyer Pays $1000 and will receive a $915 trading Pool ($85 fee) Versus Fresh Deposit - Buyer deposits $1,000 into the dApp - User receives an $900 trading Pool ($100 fee)

Last updated